Remembering the year 2010
This is definitely a year of changes; Åsa turns blond again, Simon turns blue and Filip is red. Mats is, as always, conservative and sticks to his own. Yes! I am talking about hair color. The ski-trip this year is to Austria and we spend a lovely week in the slopes of St Anton. Skiing, snowboarding and ski-shoe walking is on the agenda. As well as putting our faces towards the sun while enjoying a beer or a hot chocolate. Åsa works as a substitute teacher at school, and in the fall she starts tutoring Math to secondary school students. If she is not working she likes to play Mah Jong! In late April Filip turns 16 and is allowed to drink beer and wine at restaurants in a big part of Europe… He doesn´t really like it, and in August he moves to Greensboro, North Carolina, where he has to wait another five years before he is allowed to drink alcohol at all. Isn´t he a mature boy! The trips we made this year are; Laggio Maggiore where the sun, the food, the people and the atmosphere made us all a great tick happier. Prague where Åsa celebrated her mother´s birthday along with her sister Anna. Stockholm and a royal wedding. Filip visited a camp and Åsa visited the royal wedding cortège with relatives. Mallorca was a great break from the rainy Lörrach in October. Funny how bad weather is not as bad when you are on vacation. USA in August where we met some very old friends, new friends and finally left Filip in his “new” family for a year. It was a vacation to remember; City life in New York, hiking in Minnesota, ringing rocks in Pennsylvania, Civil war in Gettysburg, clouded and foggy views in Shenandoah Park, Krispy Kreme Donuts and veteran cars in Greensboro and finally The White House and the Mall in Washington DC. Visits, we had plenty of visits this year; The family Hammerin-Ericsson visited in May and we went to Alcase and tried different wine before we went home and had some real Champagne with strawberries. Mats father with wife Margareta came with the pre-summer in late May. We visited Alsace, the Rheine falls and a lovely pruning Mainau with tulips, rhododendron and other spring flowers. Mats younger brother Joachim and his wife Emma came for a week of hiking. They hiked in Schwartzwald, we all hiked in Alsace and the vicinity of Lörrach including the tree tops of the Maienbühl woods. The hiking in the Alps had to be postponed to another time due to heavy thunderstorms. Mats mom visited in September and we ate Flammenkuchen and saw, among other things, beautiful views from the Mount Pilatus. Åsa´s parents came for their wedding anniversary in October. We visited a robotic contest at SICK and climbed the Mount Bellchen and were astonished by a 360° view including Freiburg, Schwartzwald and all the way to the Alps. Åsa´s sister Anna with family that joined us for a special Christmas in Zermatt. Skiing in powder snow and a 4-6 course dinner every evening certainly made it to a very special Christmas. And finally we all would like to wish you a happy continuation of year 2011! Mats & Åsa Filip & Simon